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Published on Jun 8, 2022

How to Query by a ACF Checkbox Field Inside a Group Field in Oxygen

Sridhar Katakam

This members-only tutorial provides the steps to use Oxygen‘s Advanced Query builder to output entries (can be of any post type) that have a specific checkbox checked when the checkbox is inside a group.

Step 1

Create a ACF field group having a Group-type of field with a Checkbox-type of sub field.

Attach the field group to your post type using the Location meta box.

Step 2

Edit your entries and populate the field group where applicable.

Step 3

Edit any static Page with Oxygen where you would like to show your posts (or CPT items) filtered by those where your checkbox choice (featured in this example) is ticked.

Select advanced for WP Query and set it up like this:

meta_key‘s value should be set to the group name, then an underscore, then the field name.

Select the Repeater’s Div and add a Dynamic Data Title and any other info as needed.



