The upcoming version of Oxygen, v3 is going to include a visual loop builder using which we can loop through the rows of a repeater-type custom field created via ACF and configure the output visually.
Until then, we will have to do it manually.
This tutorial provides the steps to display rows of

Custom Post Type: dogfood
ACF Field group name: Dog Food Ingredients
Field name: ingredients
Sub field name: ingredient

With a list of ingredients entered for a Dog Food entry,

the objective is to show these on the front end as a simple unordered list:

Step 1
Edit the Template that applies to all single entries of dogfood
CPT with Oxygen.
Add a Section.
Add a Heading inside that reads say, “Ingredients”.
Add a Code Block.
// check if the repeater field has rows of data
if ( have_rows( 'ingredients' ) ) {
echo '<ul class="ingredients">';
// loop through the rows of data
while ( have_rows( 'ingredients' ) ) : the_row();
printf( '<li class="ingredient">%s</li>', get_sub_field( 'ingredient' ) );
echo '</ul>';
} else {
// no rows found
Step 2
If every Dog Food entry is to have at least one ingredient entered, ingredients
Let’s make it such that the Section is only output if at least 1 ingredient has been entered.