This members-only tutorial provides the steps to set up a few custom fields on a Custom Post Type's archive in the WP admin using ACF Extended and output their values on that CPT's archive on the front end.
In the WP admin:
products is a registered CPT in our test site and is not the WooCommerce product
On the front end:
We shall register fields for background image, title, and subheading that make up the hero section below which the posts in this CPT can be shown.
Step 1
Install and activate ACF Extended (free version will suffice for this).
Step 2
If the CPT is not already present, create it at Tools → Post Types.
In the Admin tab toggle Archive Page to on.
If your CPT has already been registered using a different method/plugin, it will not appear (as far as I know) at the above screen.
We can still enable the admin archive page for it via code.
Set the following PHP code to run in admin using your favorite code snippets plugin. Mine is WPCodeBox.