Updated on October 05, 2020
This tutorial provides the steps to set up entries of a portfolio
custom post type that can be filtered by the terms of portfolio_category

We shall
- create a Template that applies the
CPT archive page - edit the template and add an Easy Posts element
- use
filter hook to show all the entries on the CPT archive - load and initialize Isotope in a custom plugin
- add a custom callback function to output space-separated terms of the specified taxonomy for the current entry
- echo the space-separated terms for div.oxy-post by editing the template's PHP for Easy Posts
- add a custom callback function that displays buttons with specified taxonomy terms as values of custom data-filter attribute
- add a Code Block element, move it above the Easy Posts element and call the above function to display the filtering buttons row
- define and use a custom image size for the images in the output of Easy Posts
This technique can also be applied to posts of any post type and any taxonomy.
Note: This tutorial only works with Easy Posts component, not a Repeater. This tutorial can also be implemented for Easy Posts on a static Page or a static homepage. For the Easy Posts, select "custom" as the WP Query type, select your post type and for Count, tick "All" under "How Many Posts?". In Step 4 you would need to changeif ( is_post_type_archive( 'portfolio' ) ) {
to something likeif ( is_page( 'sample-page' ) ) {
is the static Page's slug orif ( is_front_page() ) {
if you want to set it up on the static homepage.
Step 1
Install and activate Portfolio Post Type plugin.
Add your portfolio entries and set featured images. Images should ideally be 800 x 800.
Create portfolio categories as needed and assign the entries to their corresponding portfolio categories.
Step 2
Install and activate Code Snippets plugin.
a) Go to Snippets > Add New.
Title: Custom Image Sizes
add_image_size( 'portfolio_thumb', 800, 800, true );
If there are any portfolio posts that already have featured images of dimensions other than 800 x 800, regenerate thumbnails.
b) Add another Snippet.
Title: Set number of entries on portfolio CPT archive
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