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Published on Oct 16, 2019

[Function] Get the Latest CPT Entry Title

Sridhar Katakam

This members-only tutorial provides the steps to define a custom function that takes in a Custom Post Type name as an argument and returns the title of that post type's latest entry.

Once the function has been added,

echo wpdd_get_latest_cpt_title( 'project' );

for example, would output the title of latest project CPT entry.

If no parameter is supplied, title of the latest post will be returned.

If you use Oxygen, you can add a Heading or a Text component, double click on it and paste in

to have the title of project CPT be output.

Step 1

Install and activate Code Snippets plugin.

Go to Snippets > Add New.

Title: [Function] Get the Latest CPT Entry Title


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