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Published on Sep 6, 2018

[Shortcode] How to display taxonomy terms in Oxygen

Sridhar Katakam

In the Oxygen Facebook group, a user asks:

CPT Taxonomies. Does anyone know how to display these in a post?

We can use the get_the_term_list() function to output comma-separated linked taxonomy terms in WordPress.

In this members-only tutorial, we shall register a custom shortcode taken from Genesis to show taxonomy terms in Oxygen's Shortcode element like so:

[post_terms before="Portfolio Categories: " taxonomy="portfolio_category"]


[post_terms before="Portfolio Tags: " taxonomy="portfolio_tag"]

where portfolio_category and portfolio_tag are the names of the custom taxonomies and display these on templates for Custom Post Type's single and archive pages.


Step 1

Install and activate Code Snippets plugin.

Step 2

Add a new Snippet titled say, "Shortcode for Post Terms" having the following code:

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