A user asks in WPDevDesign Facebook group:
Considering Oxygen completely disables the theme functions is there a way to get rid of the Admin Menu items ‘Themes’ & ‘Theme Editor’ ?
This tutorial provides the steps to remove Appearance > Themes and Appearance > Theme Editor admin menu items from WordPress admin.


Step 1
Install and activate Code Snippets plugin.
Step 2
Go to Snippets > Add New.
Title: Remove Appearance > Themes and Appearance > Theme Editor admin menu items
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'wpdd_remove_menu_items', 999 );
* Remove Appearance > Themes and Appearance > Theme Editor admin menu items
function wpdd_remove_menu_items() {
remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'themes.php' );
remove_submenu_page( 'themes.php', 'theme-editor.php' );
Set it to run only in admin.
Save changes and activate.