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Published on Aug 27, 2021

Image grid from ACF Gallery for taxonomy term archives

Sridhar Katakam

This members-only tutorial provides the steps to display the images upload to Gallery-type ACF field on taxonomy terms on their archive pages as a simple grid.

Edit screen of "chemicals" industry term
example.com/industry/chemicals/ on the frontend

Even though the following instructions are Oxygen-specific, they can be applied in any WordPress site.

Step 1

Install and activate ACF Pro.

Step 2

Create a field group having the Gallery-type of field and set it to appear on your taxonomy terms.

I've named the field, clients in this example.

Set the Return Format to Image ID.

In this example, industry is the taxonomy.

Step 3

Edit each of your taxonomy terms and upload/select the images in the gallery.

In this example, chemicals is a sample taxonomy term.

Step 4

Create/edit the Template that applies to your taxonomy term archives.

Add a Code Block where you want the ACF gallery to be output as an image grid.

Add a class of say, client-logos.

Set its width to 100%.


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