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Published on Jun 11, 2022

My Favorites in Oxygen

Sridhar Katakam

In the past, we covered Favorites plugin here.

This members-only tutorial provides the steps to set up a newer similar plugin called My Favorites in Oxygen including showing user's favorite posts (can be of any post type) using the Repeater component.

Step 1

Install and activate My Favorites. There is no settings page for this plugin.

Step 2

To add the favorite heart button, edit your Template with Oxygen and add this shortcode:


That will output an empty heart icon that gets filled when the user clicks on it to indicate that it has been added to the user's favorites.

Step 3

If you have a profile page in your site for each logged-in user and wish to show a link to the favorites page - /favorites (to be created in the next step), add this shortcode:

A filled heart with the number of user's favorites will be shown

Step 4

Create a Page called Favorites.

We are going to cover 3 ways in which the logged-in user's favorites can be shown.

  1. Plugin's shortcode - looks ok on the front end, you might want to add a some custom CSS to tidy up the look.
  2. Plugin's function - for those that want full control of the generated HTML. Needs full custom styling.
  3. Oxygen's Repeater - for those that prefer to visually build the output.

Plugin's shortcode

Add this shortcode either in the WP/Oxygen editor:


To tidy up the look a little like

add this CSS:

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