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Published on Jul 17, 2018

How to search Oxygen’s website

Sridhar Katakam

Updated on October 08, 2018.

Follow the screencast below to learn how to add a custom search engine in Google Chrome browser to easily search in Oxygen’s forums using Google:

Here is the URL you need to paste when adding the search engine:

https://www.google.com/search?q=site:https://oxygenbuilder.com/forums/ %s


Oxygen’s official website including the forum does not have a search feature at the moment.

Until one is added, we can use Google to search oxygenbuilder.com like this:

site:oxygenbuilder.com search term


site:oxygenbuilder.com data attributes

site:oxygenbuilder.com html5

site:oxygenbuilder.com css grid

If you want to search only the forum, here’s an example:

site:https://oxygenbuilder.com/forums/ shape divider