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Published on Apr 1, 2019

Simple Title Reveal on Hover for Easy Posts in Oxygen

Sridhar Katakam

In Oxygen's Facebook group a user asks:

An easy post question: can someone help me with some code to style easy posts? It should be easy, but I’m not able to make the post title appear on hover only. I just want to show the featured image without overlay and only show a darker background and title at hover. Can someone point me in the right direction to get this done?

This members-only tutorial provides the steps to show a grid of featured images with a dark overlay background and post titles appearing when hovered.

From 1120px and below, we shall set the dark overlay and title to appear since there will be no hover action on devices with smaller screens.

Step 1

Set featured images for your posts.

Step 2

In the Oxygen editor add an Easy Posts Component.

Templates > Template PHP:

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